NEWS / 29 04 / CECOA presents PRALINE during national seminar
By the hand of CECOA the Praline project was presented in the National Seminar "PERMANENT EDUCATION IN CHANGING TIMES: TO KNOW TO TRANSFORM" In a speech on the theme: " European PR for AL: A methodology to support quality AL“ On the 29 and 30 April, around 350 participants met in Lisbon, to share ideas and practices in a Seminar on the topic “Permanent Education in changing times: to know to transform. Among these, more than 100 participants organized a total of 68 shows, animations, workshops and present communications. CECOA was one of the participants intervening with a presentation on “European PR for AL: A methodology to support quality AL“, an external evaluation methodology that aims to support adult education providers in their efforts of assuring and developing the quality of their provision. This methodology is under construction within the Erasmus + project "PRALINE - Peer Review in Adult Learning to formal Improve and Non-formal Education" which has a broad European partnership and CECOA is part of it (Portugal, Italy, France, Austria, Lithuania, Malta, Hungary). Read more in national language: