Adult Education and Learning: Putting Quality into Action

Dissemination Event organised by CECOA in Lisbon (PT)

Dissemination Event organised by LETU in Vilnius (LT)

Partners’ meeting in MT – May 2016

PRALINE brochures at the Multiplier Event in MT

Multiplier Event in MT, with the Minister for Education and Employment, and EPALE MT

Partners’ meeting in MT – May 2016

2nd Stakeholders Committee in IT at ISFOL


PRALINE aims at developing innovative and sustainable initiatives to support Adult Learning providers, specifically those of the non-formal domain, in approaching Quality Assurance in their organization and training provision. Indeed Quality culture, intended as aware focus on learning outcomes, sector professionals' training, resources, models of management, organizational patterns, is a priority in the EU Agenda for AL aimed at ensuring the "possibilities for adults to access high-quality learning opportunities, regardless of gender and their personal and family circumstances" [Read more...]

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Highlights on Adult Learning

  • “The European Agenda for Adult Learning, adopted in November 2011, is set to launch a concrete joint programme that makes adult learning a stronger link in the lifelong learning chain. But the first challenge we need to address is to increase participation in adult learning and to make everyone – learners, providers, stakeholders and policy makers – aware of the benefits of a high quality, easily accessible and equitable adult learning system.”
    European Guide, Strategies for improving participation in and awareness of adult learning, 2012
  • “A first proposal therefore qould be to start exploring qhat quality culture actually means, […]. Yet, there are some intertesting examples in the QALLL project sample which use individual and collective self-evaluation, teamwork, stakeholders involvment, peer review, etc. to foster a quality culture. These good practices could be used to stimulate approaches to quality assurance that strike a more even balance between accountability and quality improvement.”
    QALLL project, QALLLitative Report, 2012
  • “In most countries there is a consensus that quality assurance systems should be developed for the adult learning sector, and especially for the non-formal sector. […] Nevertheless, the main challenge is to implement these strategies. Experience shows that it takes a long time to build consensus on the idea and content of quality systems”
    Panteia, Developing the adult learning sector, 2013

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